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Aqua-RET 2 builds upon the Aqua-RET (Aquatic Renewable Energy Tecnologies) project which developed online training materials to improve end-user’s understanding of marine renewable energy technologies (Run of River, Tidal Impoundment, Tidal Stream, Wave and Offshore Wind). The aim was to improve awareness of marine renewable energy sources, and be of benefit to the future workforce of this fast-developing sector and its cutting-edge technologies. End-users also include those working in ancillary and supporting sectors, such as planners, developers, and entrepreneurs, including the public sector. Developed resources include an e-learning tool available online and on CD-ROM, a series of educational poster's and numerous branded graphics and illustrations available for download and use. Aqua-RET 2 will use the existing Aqua-RET resources, and match them to the needs of the market.

PROGRAMME: European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme (Leonardo da Vinci - Transfer of Innovation)
DURATION: 2009 - 2011 (24 months)


  • Reviewing the scale and status of the European labour market in the marine renewables sector and ancillary sectors for core competences which can be transferred to the marine renewables sector;
  • Prioritising training needs of the sector and assessing the extent to which existing Aqua-RET training materials meet these priority needs;
  • Adapting and further developing Aqua-RET training material to better define it in terms of training requirements;
  • Developing a competency mapping tool (aligned to EQF) enabling employers and employees to identify whether they have the key priority competencies needed for the role, or what further training is required to complement the skills they have already acquired, and the extent to which the AquaRET 2 package can improve their degree of competence;
  • Designing and developing customised training course curriculum and content based on key learning outcomes;
  • Where possible, define the value of the training using existing systems, and identify bodies willing to recognise and/or accredit such training (e.g. ECTS, ECVET, EQF);
  • Developing an assessment mechanism with input from third parties - Piloting the training courses in partner countries.


  • AquaTT UETP Limited, Ireland
  • Aquatera LTD, Orkney, UK
  • La Tene Maps, Ireland
  • Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (CRES), Greece
  • European Ocean Energy Association (EU-OEA), Belgium
  • Wave Energy Centre, Portugal

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